Important Notes for Sitar:

  1. To learn Sitar Raags online you will need to tune your Sitar in C# (C sharp) first.
  2. Our online Sitar lessons will help you to learn Sitar efficiently from beginning to advanced level.
  3. Method of teaching is written instructions, notations, photos and a short video clip which you download, view and listen.
  4. In the short video clip you will be able to see clearly how Sitar is played.
  5. To view YouTube video at slow speed, to understand better, click ‘Settings’ of video and then ‘Playback speed’ and select 0.75, 0.5 or 0.25
  6. Though each lesson is small, after enough practice you will need to play continuously as one Raag.
  7. Click the Raag links below to view the Raag lessons.